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European School Education Platform
Erasmus+ Mobility

Norwegian upper secondary school looking for partnerships involving real-life and practical experience with subject within the educational programme for general studies.

We are an accredited school in the mid Norway, - Grong videregående skole, with approximately 240 students and 75 staff. We are looking for long- or short-time partners and are interested in both job shadowing and student exchange. The school offers multiple educational programmes, but we are looking for partnerships that involve the educational programme specialization for general studies.
We are looking for:
Partners for mobility activities
Expires on:
Created on: 27.06.2024
Last edited on:
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Mobility activities:
Group mobility of school pupils
Job-shadowing (School Education)
Academic year:
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Posting organisation

Grong videregående skole

  • Organisation type:
  • eTwinning validated:

Related subjects

Foreign Languages
Natural Sciences