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European School Education Platform
Logo showing three capital letters in colour (red L,black A and orange M) topped by the name of the school lycée Lamartine and bordered on the right by the name of the town the school is located in, Mâcon.
Logo showing three capital letters in colour (red L,black A and orange M) topped by the name of the school lycée Lamartine and bordered on the right by the name of the town the school is located in, Mâcon.
Erasmus+ Partnership

Intercultural Learning with International Trade Students

We are a group of first-year students from the BTS Commerce International program in France, seeking to collaborate with companies and/or Vocational Higher Education programs around the world to explore and understand interculturality, corporate culture, and communication, all in English.
We are looking for:
Partners for a small-scale partnership
Expires on:
Created on: 27.06.2024
Last edited on:
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Please log in or register if you are interested in this posting and you want to see more details
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Posting organisation

Lycée Lamartine

  • Organisation type:
  • eTwinning validated:

Related topics

Action research
Career guidance
School partnerships and networks

Related subjects

European Studies
Foreign Languages

Related vocational subjects

Business and Marketing
Public relations

Related key competences

Cultural awareness and expression